Measures of Student Achievement and Success
Our school follows the guidelines set out in the OCDSB Policy and Procedures for Student Evaluation, available on the Board’s website. Students strive to achieve the Academic Distinction Award and Principal’s Academic Awards, which are presented at graduation to students who meet the criteria.
Citizenship and Effort Awards
Valedictorian Award: presented to a grade 8 student who reflects the student body, is an all‐round individual, is involved in school life, is academically sound and displays the values of citizenship and exemplary conduct.
Ontario Principals Council Award: presented to a grade 8 student who demonstrates outstanding leadership skills.
Athletic Leadership Awards are presented to grade 8 students who have amassed at least 30 points through their involvement in the athletic program over the course of their three years at the school.
Visual Art, Drama and Music Awards: Our students maintain a portfolio of their work. The portfolio is shared with parents at student led conferences, at home, or at parent‐teacher interviews.
School Learning Plan for 2017-18
Cedarview staff meets regularly to examine assessment data and determine areas of student strength and need. The data provides the basis for selecting strategic goals for the school Learning plan. The learning plan selected by Cedarview staff this year is focused on developing rich and engaging tasks with the goal of developing strategic skills needed to be successful in the transition to secondary school.
In developing a School Learning Plan we examine a variety of data sources. Along with the analysis of our EQAO results and CASI assessments, we also review daily observations of student performance, report card marks and comments, OCDSB diagnostic tests, surveys, documents, administrative records, School Council input, and a variety of demographic factors.
In the upcoming year the school will focus on developing the students’ proficiency in key skills outlined in the OCDSB’s strategic plan. The goal is to develop the following skills in our students: critical thinking, academic diversity, digital fluency, effective communication and ethical decision-making. The hope is that the development of these skills will lead to a more collaborative, innovative, resilient and confident student for the transition to high-school and eventually their chosen career path.