Leadership Recognition

“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.”


Leadership opportunities are encouraged for students at Cedarview. Our students demonstrate leadership in sports, where they are Board champions in a variety of sports. Former Cedarview students are athletic leaders who receive scholarships from universities. Our Junior and Senior Concert and Jazz bands perform at a high level in MusicFest each year. Our active student council provides leadership opportunities in citizenship, social justice and student voice. Our students participate in a number of fundraising and volunteer initiatives from which they gain new learning and the satisfaction of helping others. In addition to informal recognition on a regular basis, we also acknowledge student contributions to the school community in our classrooms, school announcements, newsletters, assemblies, the Principal's report to School Council, and end‐of‐year awards ceremonies.


Our staff members have a wealth of professional qualifications including Bachelors and Masters degrees in Arts, Fine Arts, Physical Education, Sciences, Social Studies and Counseling, as well as additional qualifications in Special Education, English as a Second Language, Music, Visual Arts, Guidance, and Computers in Education. They actively participate in numerous District‐wide professional development activities in all subject areas, and we recognize their initiative by providing and supporting opportunities for further professional growth. Support staff work tirelessly and patiently to address the school’s physical plant, student needs, parent requests and community connections. We also recognize staff leadership via personal interactions with one another, letters of thanks, school announcements, school newsletters, assemblies, performance appraisals, and our Principal’s report to School Council. We will continue to support staff through our mentoring and team teaching programs, which serve to enhance professional practice.


Our volunteers contribute countless hours of support for the benefit of students in our school. As invaluable partners, we thank our parents, guardians and volunteers on an ongoing basis, and look for opportunities to acknowledge them such as school announcements, the Principal's report to School Council, school newsletters, and our annual volunteer appreciation breakfast. Volunteers make possible many school activities including field trips, fundraisers, classroom support and much more. Our dedicated School Council meets monthly and contributes a wealth of new resources of benefit to students in the classroom.


Cedarview is a training site for high school, college and university students who provide our teachers and students with additional support and specialized skills in the classroom. Examples include partnerships with Algonquin and the University of Ottawa, Associate Teachers and high school Co‐op Programs. Local businesses contribute significantly to our music program and other student activities.

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